Masculine Mindset

A defeated mindset can take a toll on your life in more ways than you may realize. Negative thinking has consistently been linked to increased physical health issues, relationship problems, and financial worries. Negativity can occur randomly or become a toxic habit and the deeper you get, the darker the waters become.  One main problem is that men don’t dedicate themselves to the process. It all starts and ends with you, and you must take action to see results.

The good news is that you are in the right place for efficient and effective change. No matter what state you are in right now, you have within you the ability to embody a proud masculine mindset. At our core, all men are instinctively masculine.  It is through social conditioning, life experiences, and limiting beliefs that our manhood is suppressed. I have seen firsthand what happens when men change their thought patterns and go from being weak and overwhelmed to becoming proud, confident, and successful.



Can you relate to this:





Follow the Crowd














Emotionally Reactive




Would you rather be :



   Action Oriented














  Sense of Purpose





So what does it mean to have a proud masculine mindset? It means living with determination, being direct and decisive, and staying solution oriented. Men with proud masculine mindsets are aggressive, positive, and centered. We are assertive, confident and driven by action. We lead with a sense of purpose. Be the rock, emotionally unreactive, stoic, and unwavered.

As a FREE BONUS for you, here are 6 effective action steps to start overcoming negativity starting today:

  1. Recognize what negative beliefs you have.
  1. Do you constantly blame yourself?
  2. Do you live with guilt and regret?
  3. Whatever negative beliefs you have, write them down.
  4. Take ownership of them, but do NOT dwell on them.
  5. f.Recognize where these thoughts are coming from.



  1. Remove/Replace:
      1. Take the list of your negative thoughts and replace each negative with a positive.
      2. Read this list daily for the next 30 days, while giving full intention to the positives.
      3. Example: I am such an idiot, I will never understand this è I don’t understand this fully, but I am getting better every day.


    3. Affirmations:
  1. Make an “I am” list ( I took this idea from Dr. Wayne Dyer)
  2. Stick this list to your mirror or some place that you will see it every day
  3. Read the list at least twice daily for the next 30 days
  4. Examples:

          I am EXTRAORDINARY

          I am DESIRABLE




  1. Clean and Organize:
    1. “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” – Admiral William H. McRaven
    2. A clear space with everything in its place promotes balance and a sense of accomplishment.
    3. The purpose is to start your day with a sense of accomplishment.


  1. Cut Negative people from your life:
    1. Absolutely get rid of people who constantly nag, blame, and ridicule.
    2. Get rid of people who are takers, never giving anything back.
    3. This is not always an easy step and it may take time.
    4. It doesn’t have to mean ending a 10+ year friendship, but it may mean having an open and honest conversation about their behavior… ultimately, if the behavior doesn’t stop THEY HAVE TO GO.


  1. Take Action Now
    1. Stop sitting around with an unclear path or direction
    2. Establish goals and WRITE THEM DOWN
    3. Now ask yourself “What is the first thing I can do toward reaching my goals?”
    4. Stop listening to yourself and/or others who say it cannot be done and no matter how small, do something!