Develop Your Dream Lifestyle

So, what does it mean to develop your dream lifestyle anyway? It can mean many different things for different people.  For me, it meant leaving my corporate job and starting an online coaching business to help other men achieve their personal, fitness, and mindset goals. The past few years have taught me that life changes in the blink of an eye and we have to always be prepared. Most of us grew up being told how to walk, talk, and act.  The problem is that we were taught by our families and friends that were themselves STUCK IN LIFE and taught us misguided, confused, antiquated, or just outright WRONG ideals. It doesn’t have to be that way! Life design- the process of becoming your best self and creating a lifestyle that is perfectly tailored to your preferences, passions, dreams, and aspirations- is completely achievable for those who are willing to put in the work.

Building a dream lifestyle starts with a solid foundation. Developing a strong, confident, solution oriented drive and mindset along with building a powerful athletic physique gives you a firm, well- grounded platform for change and growth. How much do you want to break all the bad habits and negative ways of thinking that are holding you back? Are you willing to dive deep, embrace the pain, embody your personal ideals, and overcome obstacles? Be assured, there will be obstacles. There will be pain. There will be set-backs but those who push through it, will grow and live their most accomplished life!

Here are three principles that will get you started today on designing a life that you are proud of:

  1. Change Your Mindset -- So much of what you do and become is directly correlated with your belief that it is/is not possible. More often than not, the major obstacle standing in the way of what you want is YOU! Prioritizing your mindset and rewiring your limiting beliefs is absolutely essential to life design. Your reality is largely determined by the stories that you continuously tell yourself. While working through your fears and insecurities require a significant amount of self-awareness, the results are worth it. Simply shifting your internal dialog can make major changes happen for you. Change your mindset and you will quickly change your external world. You are more capable and ready than you think!
  2. Invest in Mentorship -- When it came to my own life, I used to think I could do it all. Sure I figured some things out, but I was tired of learning things the hard way. I finally realized that I was wasting all my time, energy, and resources to ultimately feel like I was still missing something. Most of us need someone to hold us accountable for our dreams and support us through our desired life changes. Seek mentorship in all aspects of your life: business, personal growth, fitness, wellbeing, dating/relationships, etc. Working with talented successful men will help you quickly tailor your life to fit your needs, improve your skills, grow a strong like-minded network, and bypass rookie mistakes. Accountability is key to changing your life! Accelerate your development, surround yourself with brilliant men who are passionate and already have success in the area of what you want to achieve.

  4. Create a Plan and Take Action -- You can have the right mindset and men helping you, but it won’t matter if you are not taking action! Decide what you want, get crystal clear, write it down, and create a detailed plan that will get you to your goals. To get started, write down your biggest goals. Second, break it down into sizeable achievable steps. Now break those steps into tactics that you can move through each week. Before you know it, you will attain your dreams! 

When all of these principles are aligned, you can achieve ANYTHING! This is how you can move your seemingly far-fetched dreams from a place of imagination into one of true reality. It is time to let go of your fears, seek the right support system, and take control of your life.